Saturday, February 11, 2017

Bootleg Canyon - Boulder City, Nevada

Bootleg Canyon - Boulder City

Bighorn sheep watching us from West Leg trail near Bootleg Wash in the River Mountains.

Bootleg Canyon Bighorn sheep location.

Watch a video I made of Bootleg Canyon and the Bighorn Sheep

Bootleg Canyon is an internationally famous mountain biking area. Bikers have the right-of-way. Always be aware of bikers on the trails and get off the trail when they are coming so they don't have to stop. Most of the trails are very narrow, often on steep cliffs and the bikers cannot stop easily. 

View of Las Vegas in the background. You can see Las Vegas, Lake Las Vegas, Henderson and Boulder City from Bootleg Canyon.
There are many trailheads and trails that go into Bootleg Canyon. We parked at the trailhead near the Veterans Memorial Hospital and took the POW trail up towards the mountains. See a map of the Canyon for more details. There are many trails in the area and it can get confusing which one you are actually on especially if you go off trail. Some of the trails are marked but others aren't.

The trails go from Boulder City to Henderson. To make it easier, you can use two cars and just hike from Boulder City down to Henderson where you have a second car.

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