Meet the Authors


I grew up in the Midwest but fell in love with the West when I worked summers in national parks. I always thought I would like to live in Montana or somewhere like that, but ended up in Henderson, NV. Compared to the places I've lived I thought Henderson was a very bleak area, although still interesting. I have lived here for over 19 years now and have learned to love many aspects of it. I must admit I still dream about retiring to a more hospitable place, but have learned to appreciate the many benefits of living here - no winter, no mosquitoes, chiggers, poison ivy, changing your tire at 5 a.m. when it is still dark and 20 degrees, freezing rain, shoveling snow, scraping ice off your windows. I have fallen in love with the desert and it's amazing flora and fauna, and wide open spaces; but even after 19 years, I must say, that I still make it a priority to get out of the desert for a least a week during the hottest part of the year. If I don't, I find myself staring at pictures of places with lots of greenery and wishing I were there.

Taking Pictures in Hawaii

I have always been interested in gardening. I grew up on 33 acres. We had a large garden that provided a lot of the food we ate. My mother canned much of our food. We grew corn, potatoes, beans, pumpkins, and many other things.  I never really appreciated any of it until I moved away and had a family of my own.

My favorite things: teaching, family, exploring, photography, gardening, creating, crafts, and my dogs.

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