Saturday, June 13, 2015

Pill Bugs! Sow Bugs! Roly Poly Bugs!

Roly Poly Bugs

Pill bugs, sow bugs, or roly polys bugs, no matter what you call them they can be trouble.

I have had a problem with pill bugs in my garden for years. They ate my tomatoes, strawberries, and other vegetables at night before they were even ripe. I read some where that if you get rid of the decaying matter in your garden, you will get rid of the roly poly bugs.  I tried that, but that didn't help at all. I tried a poison, but that didn't help either. I vacuumed them up by the thousands with my shop vac in my grass with no affect.  I even tried doubled-side tape, beer, and cans around my plants, but nothing kept them from eating my plants until I put hay down around all my plants. I found that the roly poly bugs liked the decaying hay so much they ignored my tomatoes and strawberries.  They did still eat some of my young plants but putting cans around them until they got bigger kept them safe.  Try hey!!!!  I still have thousand of pill bugs but they stick to the hey. Not only that this is the first year my tomatoes are actually producing quite a few tomatoes!  I love hey!

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