Friday, May 13, 2016

Gold Strike Hot Springs Trail

Gold Strike Hot Springs Trail - This is a beautiful hike through a canyon with high walls that goes all the way to the Colorado River. There is a lot of rock scrambling and with some ropes that help you get down some of the harder areas. We didn't make it all the way to the river because it was getting too hot (and I was really tired). We started at 6 o'clock in the morning when it was quit cool, but by noon it was 90 degrees. This hike should not be done in the summer. We heard that they were going to close the trail two days after we hiked it because they had to rescue too many people who were not prepared for the desert heat. It is quite strenuous and the heat makes it that much more difficult, but the hard work is well worth the effort.

Take the road down towards the dam from Boulder City. The road to the trail head is just past the helicopter landing pad at Gold Strike Casino on the right. Take the left-hand turn that goes down towards the dam to get to the trail head.

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