Thursday, March 30, 2017

Kodachrome Road - Rainbow Gardens - Las Vegas

Kodachrome Road - Rainbow Gardens - Las Vegas

View near Kodachrome Road at the base of Frenchman Mountain
Kodachrome Road - Rainbow Gardens
Kodachrome Road - Rainbow Gardens

Kodachrome Road - Rainbow Gardens

Kodachrome Road - Rainbow Gardens

Brittlebush in bloom

Brittlebush and Barrel Cactus

Brittlebush - Kodachrome Road

Kodachrome Road
Las Vegas Bearpoppy
View from Kodachrome Road

Brittlebush in Bloom

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Frenchman Mountain Las Vegas

Frenchman Mountain Las Vegas

This is a very steep and treacherous trail. You climb 1,788 feet from the bottom on a dirt road littered by large gravel. You have to watch every step you take, and it is very easy to slide.  Take a hiking stick to help keep your balance. The trail head is 6.6 miles from the park entrance on Lake Mead Blvd or 2.1 miles from Hollywood Blvd.  The views are spectacular.  You can see all of Las Vegas and Henderson if you go out on the far summit.

This is not actually on the Frenchman Trail, but is a wash not far from the trail.

Prickly Poppies

Prickly Poppy leaves

View from trail to Lake Mead Blvd

Steep trail with Steep Switch Backs.

View of Mt. Charleston from Frenchman Mountain

Hikers at a summit

Mount Charleston from Frenchman Mountain

View of Las Vegas from Frenchman Mountain

Frenchman Summit

View from Frenchman Mountain

Four wheeler at the summit

A long way up. Four-wheeler coming down

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Lava Butte Road and Wash

Lava Butte Road and Wash

Lava Butte Road
Lava Butte and Prickly Pear Cactus

To find the wash drive 2 miles north of Lake Mead NRA entrance on Lake Mead Blvd. Turn left onto Rainbow Gardens and drive 4.4 miles on Lava Butte Road. There are two road signs on opposite sides of the road. Turn left onto the dirt path and park next to the road. Hike down the wash about a mile until you come to a drop off in the wash.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Oak Creek Canyon Hike - Red Rock Canyon NCA

Oak Creek Canyon Trail is the last trail on the loop road of Red Rock Canyon. Drive the short dirt road to the trail head. The trail goes towards the canyon for about a mile, then you have to make your way up the canyon through large boulders. Some of the trail is marked, but most you just try to find the easiest way around and over the boulders.

Oak Creek Canyon Hike
Oak Creek Canyon - Cairn marking the way.
Oak Creek Canyon  - Large Boulders to traverse
Making our way through the boulders

Friday, March 10, 2017

White Owl Canyon Trail - Lake Mead NRA

White Owl Canyon Trail is a short but spectacular hike to an interesting slot canyon where you can find much evidence of owls and other birds of prey. The canyon walls have many coves or indents where the birds hang out. Check out the ground below and you will find tiny skulls and bones from small animals.

The trail is less than a mile and takes you into a short but steep-walled canyon with overhangs. You can also hike in the opposite direction to the Lake.

To get to White Owl Canyon  turn onto the 33 Hole parking area off of Lake Shore Drive and make the first left to the parking area. The trail starts at the back of the parking area. Follow the trail that drops down into the wash and over to the next wash, turn left back towards Lake Shore Drive and hike up towards Lake Shore drive to White Owl Canyon. (You can continue the hike by walking through a tunnel that goes under Lake Shore Drive.)

Raven flying over White Owl Canyon
White Owl Canyon, Lake Mead NRA
Overhang in White Owl Canyon
Watch a video of White Owl Canyon Trail in Lake Mead NRA