Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Desert Tortoise Munching Out

Desert Tortoise Munching Out
I so wanted to sleep in this morning because I didn't get to bed until after 1:30 but Sammy had other plans. He decided it was time to get up about 6:00 but I was too tired I ignored him as much as I could. Half an hour later he decided that I just must get up and wouldn't take no for an answer. Still half asleep I drove half a mile to where we like to explore.  It was already 90 degrees by 6:30 so we didn't stay long. He chased a few rabbits and then I made him get in the car. On the way home I spied this little creature crossing the street. He was covered in dirt so I emptied my water bottle on him and started shooting. He didn't seem to be afraid of me at all. He came within a foot of me without any hesitation. He was definitely in the browsing mood. He seemed to be eating everything that was in front of him including dried coyote poop, dried bone fragments and all the green plants. I'm so glad I got up early this morning.

As I was sitting on the ground taking pictures the neighbors stopped and talked to me awhile. They said that they often see this tortoise crossing the street and browsing in the area.

 I love the desert in the morning; I just wish it didn't come so early.