Sunday, April 26, 2015

There is a time for everything , and a season . . .

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-2  - "There is a time for everything, and a reason for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot . ." .

I grew up in the Midwest where the seasons were definite. You just knew when to plant. When the snow melted and the crocuses popped up, it was time to start seeds inside for early vegetables. A month later you could start seeds for the fall crops in pots, and bring them inside if it got too cold. Here in the desert it is completely different. I've lived here for almost 20 years, but I still can't get used to when to plant and when to uproot. For years I tried to do it like we did in Ohio, but it just didn't work. The intense heat would burn out my plants before they matured. Last fall I decided to start my cold weather crops much earlier. I planted red chard, cabbage, and cauliflower in November and by March the cauliflower was ready to pick.  I didn't get as much I expected, but it was so delicious, nothing like you buy in the store.  It was so tender that it cooked in less than ten minutes. I'm still getting red chard and my cabbage is just starting to form heads.  So far it is bug free (crossed fingers).

Lessons Learned in the Garden

Hi, welcome to Lessons Learned! This blog is about lessons learned through desert gardening, both practical and biblical, and anything having to do with nature and the desert. We will be sharing our experiences while attempting to garden in a desert environment, specifically in Henderson, Nevada located near Las Vegas.

Many people see the desert as an desolate, almost uninhabitable land, but the intention of the website is to show the great possibilities and joys of living in such a harsh land.

This is what most people see when they think of the desert near Las Vegas, but we will show you an up-close, Christian view of the desert through the eyes of nature lovers and amateur gardeners. If you live in the desert and love gardening or are even thinking about buying a plant, this bloh is great place to start.

This picture was taken east of Henderson about one mile from the River Mountain Bike Trail. The south-east corner of Henderson is in the middle ground and Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area is in the background.